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Study Abroad

My latest endeavor this Fall will be to study abroad in the wondrous city of London! I am on my way to England today and will embark on months of emerging myself within the English culture! I hope my travels will bring you fun and quirky places to see in England, breathtaking sight to experience, and maybe some funny stories about my awkward blonde American self trying to fit in to European society!

Having been in London a few times already I am excited to partake now as a resident rather then a tourist staying a mere few days! I'll still be seeing and acting the part of a tourist of course in many ways! However, being able to stay for an extended period of time will allow me to hopefully find the hidden jewels of the city and beyond!

While I am there to I will have the blessing of learning as a student. I will be partaking in three history classes focused on England's past and I will also have the honor of being studying British Culture. In these immaculate classes (especially a Tudors class) I will be brining you some fun history stories you may not already know!

My adventures traveling to places like Hampton Court, Stonehenge, Bath, and many others will also be ways you can decide on whether or not you'd be interested in seeing! I hope you enjoy what is to come! And I'll be posting soon!

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